Welcome to the Marketing in the Wild podcast. I’m Julia from Stratos Creative Marketing, where we are obsessed with finding real-life examples of the good, the bad, and sometimes wild, in marketing.

Hey guys. Today, Kat is gonna be covering for me on the podcast because she’s gonna be talking about some content repurposing. She’s one of the people, along with Ryann, who teaches our workshop on this. I promise to you this isn’t a giant pitch for our workshop, although she does mention it a couple times because it is so, so good.

I’m not just saying that. All of our participants have found it really valuable. But really what this is, is a peak behind the curtain of how we at Stratos have become this content machine. Honestly, the team has figured it out so well that I’ve had to say, Hey guys, we gotta pause because you guys are doing too well and we gotta make sure that we are balancing our time. 

So that’s how great it’s worked for us. I think that if you listen to this podcast, hear what it has to say, and then start working on it, you’re gonna have equal success when it comes to creating content. So enjoy. Also, mind you, I’ve already listened to this podcast, so I’m not gonna ruin it for you, but she does talk about some Marvel movies and it was like a totally new concept of relating marketing to Marvel, which is exactly what I love about Marketing in the Wild. So enjoy! 

Kat: Welcome to the marketing in the wild podcast by Stratos Creative Marketing. My name’s Kat and I’m the operations manager at Stratos, and I’m filling in for Julia today. I am so excited to be recording this episode because I’m going to be talking about content repurposing.

This is one of my favorite things that we do at Stratos. It has really revolutionized the way that we create content, not only for our clients, but also internally for our own Stratos content. We do a workshop on this every now and then, I think we’ve done it twice already. And as you’re listening to this, you’re probably coming up to another one of our content repurposing workshops.

So as you’re listening to this, if you hear something you like, you could absolutely sign up for a workshop and learn a whole lot more, and we will actually get in a breakout session with you and workshop your own ideas for your own content repurposing. 

But first, let me answer this question. What is repurposing? Comic books have been doing this for ages. So my little brother and my dad are both super into comic books. My brother watches every Marvel movie ever, on repeat. That is like his main source of entertainment. And Marvel, especially, but comic books in general, have been repurposing for so long. They’ll write 10 volumes about the same character, and then they’ll kill off the character and they’ll start all over again. For example, there’s Spider-Man but then there’s Spider-Man into the Multiverse and then, or Spiderverse, I think it is. And then there’s also the Amazing Spider-Man and there’s also the Toby McGuire Spiderman. And there’s also whoever the current Spider-Man is. There’s a million Spider-Men, right? 

And that is repurposing. It’s taking that same concept, revamping it, revitalizing it, making it brand new, reimagining it. So another example of this, again, in the comic book sphere is they’ll take a movie, maybe Avengers, and then they’ll pick one character out of it and give them a spinoff TV show, like Loki or Wandavision.

So content repurposing is really similar to this. Basically we’re taking one idea and we’re turning it into lots of different content. So maybe social media posts, a blog post, a press release, different reels for Instagram, emails, video series. I mean, the list goes on and on and on. But I’m gonna share with you exactly the formula that we use at Stratos to repurpose our own content for our own marketing.

We do this for clients as well, but for a lot of our clients, we’re doing some piece of their marketing, but not necessarily all of it. And so we’re doing parts of this for client work, for sure, but we’re doing all of this for our own marketing. And I am going to give you a peek behind the curtain. You’re gonna see the ins and outs of exactly what we do to repurpose our own content.

Guys, I hate to interrupt this podcast, but I wanna share a quick message about a resource we have here at Stratos for you.

Hey, it’s Ryann from Stratos and if you’re wondering if it’s time to rebrand, our design team has created a free quiz that’ll help you answer the question. So you don’t have to jump head first into an expensive, but unnecessary rebrand. Get your results at marketinginthewildpodcast.com/freebies.

We have really made this into a machine or an engine for creating content so that when we sit down to make social media posts or email marketing, we’re not starting from scratch every week. We already have ideas to pull from. So the first thing that we do for our own repurposing is we start with a theme.

This is usually something really general. Sometimes it’s a service that we really wanna focus on selling. So maybe we have a lot of website clients, but we don’t have very many lead generation clients. Then our theme for those two weeks or four weeks would be lead generation. This is usually very general like that. It’s just a service or some broad content bucket that we’re gonna focus on. 

Another option might be that it’s something timely or seasonal. Maybe around Christmas, we would do some sort of holiday theme, maybe around Thanksgiving. We would do a lead up to Thanksgiving. What are we thankful for, as well as a couple of different emphasis on the days after Thanksgiving. So maybe Black Friday, shop Small Saturday. What are the others, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, you know, Thanksgiving in and of itself is a very specific theme. So we pick a general theme first, and those themes usually last from one to four weeks, we’re not gonna focus on the same thing for much more than four weeks, just so that we can switch it up.

And then again, that theme is general. It’s a guideline. We’re not strict on that. It’s just, if we’re going back to our list of ideas and we’re not really sure what we wanna focus on, the theme gives us some direction for that. So that’s the first step, is picking a theme. 

Next, we’re going to start generating content ideas in our task management software. we use ClickUp, and in Clickup, we have a list where, if we have an idea for content, we’re gonna throw it there. These are typically long-form content ideas. So any long form content is something that’s longer than a couple of sentences. So long-form content is going to be a blog post, a podcast episode, sometimes even an email could be your long form content, or a lead generator, like a free resource or a PDF or a mini course or something like that. All of that is long form content. So we have a list where we just generate content ideas for that long form content. I’ll actually read you a couple of the ideas that we have on here now: 

  • Words Matter 
  • How to Sell Without Being Salesy
  • In a Social Media Rut
  • How Marketing Is like Baking
  • Marketing Resource Emails That We Love Getting
  • Marketing Emails That We Actually Open or That We Actually Read

We just throw tons and tons and tons of different ideas in here as we think of them. So we might have a brainstorming meeting where we actually try and add ideas, or we might just be working during the day and someone says, oh, you know what? That would make a really good blog post and they’ll throw it in that list. So that’s the second step, is just idea generation and our whole team is doing this all the time. We are constantly trying to come up with new ideas for our marketing. 

So from that general theme, we come up with ideas and then from those ideas, you know, we’ll assign some of those ideas back to the general theme. So for example, if we wrote a post about different nonprofits or the way that a nonprofit should structure their marketing, that might come in really handy if we’re gonna do a Giving Tuesday theme or focus. And then sometimes we go the other way around. Sometimes we’ll say guys, we have a whole lot of content on websites right now. Let’s focus on websites for the next two weeks so that we can get a lot of that content out the door. So steps one and two are kind of interchangeable, or you can go back and forth between them. 

And then honestly, here’s where the magic happens. From each long-form content idea, we’re gonna come up with a whole bunch of different content and here is the list of exactly what content we create from each long-form content.

So again, the first one is the long-form content. That’s the blog post or the podcast episode from every single content of that nature, we’re gonna create an email, a carousel post for social media. That’s gonna be where you can flip through and get the information right on your social media feed. You don’t have to go to the website to get it. We’re gonna call out like a quote or a nugget of information from that post or from that blog and make that into a social media post. We’re gonna take the main idea from the blog and we’re gonna make that into another social media post. Then we’re also gonna make a very vague social media post that just says something to the effect of “Read more on the blog.”

Then we’re also going to make a reel. So we’re gonna have a video. Sometimes we’ll have actually two or three videos, depending on how much content is in that original long-form content. And then last, we’re also gonna make some pins for Pinterest. That is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… 7, 8, maybe even nine different pieces of content, all from the same one piece of content. So this is like Marvel saying, we’re gonna make a movie about the Avengers and then we’re also gonna make nine different movies about each individual Avenger. Right? You’re taking out the pieces, you’re focusing on them. You’re repurposing them to create more content based on that original idea.

Again, this is the exact structure that we use for our own marketing. So I am seriously giving you like an insane behind-the-scenes look, and we talk about so much more of this in our content repurposing workshop, and we help you master this idea and figure out how to do this for your own marketing. So if that’s something you’re interested in, again, just another plug for that workshop.

But for a lot of ideas, we’re gonna create all seven of these different types of posts. But then for others, maybe we’ll only create one or two. So for example, this exact podcast episode is going to be an example of long-form content. So the idea is what content repurposing is or that’s, you know, our general content idea. From that, we could send out a nurture email. We could send to our email list and say, “Are you wondering what repurposing is? We have a podcast episode that is dedicated just to that! And you can go and you can listen to Kat try and explain it to you.” 

And we can send that as an email. Or, for that email, we could structure it differently. We could actually pull out kind of the bullet points of the content and send that as an email. Or we could pick some other nugget of information and use that as the basis for the email. But from the podcast episode, we’re gonna send an email, some sort of email. Then we’re also going to create a social media post, or several social media posts, actually. The first of that is going to be some sort of carousel post. We love carousel posts because you can really pack in a lot of information. So you get, you know, 10 slides on Instagram, as well as the caption that’s 10 different images that you can pack info into. So we’re gonna take the long form content, we’re gonna edit it down to as few words as possible. And then we’re gonna put those words on some graphics and create the carousel post. The goal for these is just to provide value to our audience. We’re not necessarily trying to sell them on anything. 

We’re not trying to move them through a funnel. We’re just trying to show them, you know, this is the kind of content you can expect from us. This is the way that we do things. We’re trying to nurture that relationship with our audience. Then, again, from this podcast episode, we’re gonna create like a call out quote or an info nugget, social media post, maybe for this episode that doesn’t make sense. Maybe I’ll get through this whole episode and I’m not gonna come up with any sort of like pithy one liner or anything that’s actually worth posting as just a single static image on Instagram. Maybe I will, maybe something’s gonna come to me as I’m talking, but I kind of doubt it. So that’s another, that’s one that maybe for this particular example, we’re just gonna cross off the list.

Then we would also make a main idea post. So the main idea of this is that your content should be posted more than once. If you put effort into your content, you should share it more than once. That’s the main idea of content repurposing. You are putting your life, your soul, your energy, your calories into creating content. Don’t just post it once and then let it die out. Post it repurpose it, let it have a second life, a third life, a fourth life. Let it live on longer than just one post. Again, that’s the main idea from the podcast episode. So we’re gonna create a post based on that main idea. Maybe we would also create a post that’s “Read more!”

So we’re saying we recorded this podcast episode, now go back and go and listen to the podcast. Maybe we’re gonna create a reel. For this particular podcast episode, I don’t know that a specific reel is coming to mind, but maybe we would make a reel that is video of me recording the podcast. We’re not gonna do that because I’m not recording any video right now. But if I were recording video, that could make a good reel. Maybe for this episode, we’re just gonna cross that off. We’re gonna say, yeah, we didn’t come up with a real, for that particular podcast episode or for that particular blogpost. And then everything we do is always gonna have pins on Pinterest. I mean, there’s really, there’s no losing in pinning something on Pinterest. It doesn’t take that much time. Just for us, anyways, we just throw it up there and we let it do its thing. So that’s an example. This is the long form content that you’re listening to right now. And that’s, I mean, that’s a week’s worth of content, right? 

So from one idea, from one podcast episode or blog post or whatever it is, we’re getting at least a week’s worth of content. Usually more. We don’t post on social media seven days a week. Usually we’re posting anywhere from three to five times a week. So just getting three social media posts out of one blog post, that’s a week’s worth of content for us on social media. So writing one blog post gets us a whole week of social media content. That’s pretty incredible. 

That was a ton of information. And if you’re anything like me, to actually learn this, you’re gonna need to see examples. You’re gonna need visuals. You’re gonna need to put this into practice and to try it for yourself. And so I wanna plug one more time for our content repurposing workshop. We’re gonna go into the weeds on all of this. We’re gonna explain it in even more detail and we’re gonna help you come up with ideas for your content, specifically yours, how you can repurpose it. So that content can live on beyond just a blog post or just a social media post. 

If you are interested in learning this from our content team, be sure to go to stratoscreativemarketing.com/workshops and scroll to the content repurposing workshop. Go ahead and sign up. We are so excited to see you there so that we can help you come up with ways to repurpose your own content.

Friends, thanks for tuning into this week’s podcast episode. I am so glad that you have, if you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have, I just ask you to subscribe so you know each time we have a new episode coming out. If you loved our podcast and want to give us a rating or a review, I promise we will read each and every one of them. A special shout out to our friend, Carson Childers, who is producing our podcast. We really appreciate him and all the hard work that he’s done for us.

Also, thanks to the Stratos team. They have been behind the scenes doing all of the graphic design, brainstorming, et cetera, et cetera. Really, this wouldn’t be possible without them. I’m thankful for each and every one of you guys. Lastly, listener, we’ll be back next week and I hope you will be too.

Join our next content repurposing workshop at Stratos Creative Marketing here: https://stratoscreativemarketing.com/workshops/